CUPIDO, infallible archer!
Cupid, god of physical love, desire, greed. In the same way that the arrow searches for the target, the target also searches for the arrow. (The journey of Paulo Coelho)
Everyone has an inner target and must strive for that, making sure that it itself does not also become an obstacle, preventing the mind from purifying itself in its absolute determination. Archery is an archer’s competition with himself and this is its true essence.
The arrow is freedom, independence, it is our personality.
The bow, combined with arrows, is everywhere a symbol of love, determination and an attribute of vital tension. The god Love, the Sun, Shiva, Ulysses, the Greeks, the Japanese all have the bow, the quiver, the arrows.
The love at first sight passes through the gaze. In archery, the gaze is everything.With Cupid, when love arrives it doesn’t warn anyone, it just overwhelms. It can take a while to spark the spark. Two people can get to know each other and remain indifferent to and then meet again and look at each other with totally different eyes. And if you feel butterflies in your stomach, your heart beating madly or your hands shaking and sweating … You can no longer do anything: the arrow has already gone!